Stellar Spinning

Although this was not the kind of training regimen Marge Simpson had hoped for however, it's provided her with plenty of exercise. Marge was riding her stationary bicycle, however, she was so adept at it that Homer was unable to resist giving her a ride…. Read Full »

Marge Erotic Fantasies

Margie is a sleepy companion who loves to masturbate on the bed. Margie fantasizes about how a muscular male would be able to suck her cunt with a big dick. Margie was known to sucking in a big dick prior to when her cunt got wet. Margie is lying on the bed… Read Full »

Animated Simpsons Comics

A distant family member visited the Simpsons. This mulatto was in Lisa's room and began to sexually assault her behind on the second time. The mulatto's meaty dick cuts the skin of Lisa and causes her to cry in pain. This man is so tough! He was so… Read Full »

Glad Valentine Day!

Dildo enormous in a gift box. Margie reveals herself to the public, flaunting her round ass and also enormous, delicious watermelons. She then begins masturbating in order to moisten her delicious openings. After offering herself a gentle massage, she selects… Read Full »